Every year, except last year, I make plates of cookies for the neighbors and deliver them with holiday wishes.
Over the weekend I went to a holiday cookie exchange which was a perfect chance to get a wide assortment of holiday cookies without doing a whole lot of work! I made some fudge, and white chocolate blondie bars (choc full of choc chips!). Yum, Yum. Found some new recipes that are keepers.
Yesterday afternoon I dropped the kids off with our friend Rose who watches Stuey several times a month. She has grown kids of her own and enjoys the baby time! Bless her heart- While the kids were away I put the plates of cookies in a bag and bundled up in preparation for delivering them to the neighbors. I was amazed by how many people were at home (their cars were in the driveway) but did not answer their door. This was the case HALF of the time! Quite surprising.
I would only knock loudly once, so I wasn't annoying.
I'd think, "well, they just missed out on a plate of cookies." Do people think that its someone trying to sell something? One guy down the road-a neighbor I"ve never met, opened his door very cautiously (but hey-at least he opened it!!).
I said, "hi! happy Holidays! I"m Zoya from up the road. My husband is Patrick, with the two black labs that he walks."
A smile came over his face and he said, "Oh, yeah!! I know him from the dogs!"
I said, " Here are some cookies for you. Have a great holiday season!"
He said, "Whats your name again?"
I said, "I'm Zoya. Whats your name?"
He said, "I'm Dave.Thanks so much! And Happy Holidays to you too!"
He was so very thankful and it felt great to actually meet someone new who lives on our street. There is something about having small kids that makes me like knowing who our neighbors are. Increases the safety factor of Cliffside road. (especially when I have a daughter who likes taking walks down to Rezanof...ahem, ahem.") As Nora and Stuey get older, it will be fun to continue this tradition with them along-making cookies and spreading holiday cheer to the neighbors!
In the photo Nora talks to Da Dee on the phone while Roxy illicitly enjoys the couch (Zoya grudgingly allowed Patrick to Invite her up). Zoya
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