It's official - no more hunting this year for me. Goat season does not end until next weekend but I'll be helping with the Christmas Bird Count. Today I helped John Barklow attempt to get a goat with a bow. And as always we came darn close but no cigar. We got within 50 yards of goats a couple of times and each time they spooked. We also found a big billy up on a cliff - but too much exposure for us to attempt.
The low point of the day was when I slipped and fell on a 'baby Matterhorn' (pointed rock) that severely bruised my hip. It'll be interesting to see just how well I can walk tomorrow. John bruised his butt badly in his fall last weekend and I ought to have a good bruise color by midweek. We speculated that it might be worth photographing our two bruised butts. If the bruises look purple enough we could be two baboons in heat (Baboons have purple butts when they are in heat).
The bottom photo depicts Pyramid mountain at dawn on our way up the mountain. In the middle photo John shows off his goat camo with Pyramid behind. Finally in the top photo - John poses with the goats (look closely at the hillside behind John). They had just seen and us and we were on their way to the cliffs. All of those goats are in rifle range. Most of the goats were nannies with kids - we only saw one big billy in the whole bunch. Patrick
How do you know so much about baboons in heat?
I actually do not know a thing - but it sounds convincing eh?
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