I just checked the weather satellite photo and it looks like a shot of hot air is heading for Kodiak. By tomorrow it is supposed to be 40 degrees and raining. And just when the ice and snow finally got good and established at sea level. I had planned on taking everybody ice skating over the weekend. Oh well - let's just keep our fingers crossed that it is a short thaw. Photo is of the windblown snow on the top of Pyramid the day before Thanksgiving. Patrick
I'm bummed, too - the mouth of the Pasagshak River is blocked and it's solid ice from there to the causeway - one of the great long skates on the road system.
I'm sure the ice will still be safe tomorrow, it's just the foot of water on top that will make it fun.
Porkie, check out the XC ski trails post I put on the snow forum. I even added Rose Tead. You will have to amend it. I do not see it as the end all be all. It is a work in progress.
Yeah, well it's below freezing down here in north Seattle and will get to 15 degrees over the next few nights. Let's do an even trade: cold weather to you and pineapple to me! ;)
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