Patrick has recently trusted Nora a bit with his camera and she has been whizzing around the house snapping photos left and right of walls, us, the floor, furniture...etc. It is fun to see the world through "Nora lenses"! You realize how low she really is to the ground and what things really interest her. All four photos posted were ones that she took.
Today I"m a bit groggy...I attended 2 births as a doula in a matter of 3 days, which is quite a feat! The first birth was on Sunday and the second birth began as soon as I got home from work last night (Monday)-I got the text message at 7Pm and was at the hospital with her shortly after. The funny part was the nursing staff and doctor were identical on both night shifts. When I arrived on the floor, I looked at nurses and we all laughed. They said, "back for more? Weren't you just here?".
I returned home at 10:30 this morning from the hospital. Wow! What a busy couple of days. Being at 2 births back to back is quite the task! But 200% rewarding and fabulous. (Typically, Katie and I are back up for eachother and in this case we would most likely have shared the case load, but Katie is out of town for the holidays, so I was on board for both of them.I"m just SO happy they didn't both go into labor at the same time!)
I'm in awe of the miracle of birth. It is truly amazing-watching babies be born into the world-and to see men and women transformed into parents! This past year I've attended around 10 births as a doula and each one is so unique and incredible! It is a true, true honor to be invited and to be part of such an personal, incredible rite of passage for a mom. Its hard to believe that it was less than a year ago that I began doula work--and what a positive response the community of Kodiak has displayed towards A Balanced Approach Doula services. When I opened up my business just over a year ago, I envisioned it having only physical therapy services and fitness classes...and now childbirth education and doula services are offered. I truly couldn't be happier in my own clinic.
Off to do some laundry and cleaning then EARLY to bed for this cowgirl!
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