One great thing about living on Kodiak is that we always seem to have snow. It's just that sometimes you have to work a bit to get to it. When I lived in Wisconsin - 'no snow' meant no snow. But here, with all the mountains around. No snow usually just means no snow down low, or in town. There is always snow in the mountains - even in Summer. Right now we officially have no snow in town, and yet I can be skate skiing after just a 20 minute hike on the top of Old Womans Mountian - or I can get in some downhill turns on Pyramid Mountain after a short 25 minute drive. Not bad. Am I a Pollyanna? Patrick
Photos: A view over Bells Flats from the top of Old Womans (top) and Barometer Mountain from Pyramid - note that Old Womans just to the left of Pyramid does have a nice cover of snow (bottom).
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