While in Anchorage, we took Nora to AMH (the local ski store) to get new cross country ski boots and the guy there who helped us was fabulous with Nora. The last pair of boots we got her was without her there (and at REI horror of horrors); a grave mistake we discovered. The boots were way too small. (fortunately her little brother can use them!)
The gentleman at AMH spent around 20 minutes getting Nora's foot size, finding the correct boot, then at the end he helped show HER how to unlace them. I sat and watched in amazement as he insisted she unlace the boots on her own. (That, I really liked.)
I asked him, "So do you have kids? You're so patient and helpful with Nora."
He replied with laughter, "Oh no. I don't have kids. I taught ski school for nearly 10 years and that was great birth control. I would have pockets full of M&M's to get the kids to do what we needed. The parents would come back after the lessons and wonder how it was that I got them to do all the activities so well. I would just smile and send the hyper kids off on their way with their parents at the end of the day. Here, I"m patient with kids because I'm paid to be."
He had a great sense of humor and I could tell that his patience was more than just being paid. He had a true knack in working with the wee ones.
The conversation brought a smile to my face, thinking about him with mobs of whiny kids in ski school....bribing them with M&Ms. He asked if we had Nora enrolled in a "ski program" here in Kodiak and I explained how there aren't even groomed trails here-no ski programs. I like that Nora and Stuey want to go skiing and ask to go skiing without any prompting from us. And when we are out, they work hard to keep up with us.
After a week on the mainland, we took the Kennicott Ferry home on an overnight trip back to Kodiak. The seas were predicted to be 8-10 feet, but it was virtually calm. Thank heavens! We all slept like babies and woke up at 8AM to arriving in Kodiak. The kids went into playing hard with all the toys and I went right into unpack and clean mode. Theres no place like home!
1 comment:
My parents met over a pair of ski gloves. No, I'm not making that up. So it should come as no surprise that, as soon as I could walk, I had Snoopy skis strapped to my feet.
My fondest childhood memories involve time on the mountain (downhill). From the wind whipping at my cheeks to sipping hot chocolate in the lodge, it was always a fantastic time.
Before the start of the season, my dad would take us over to the local ski shop, the shop where he met my mother and a shop that is long gone. Seeing the picture of Nora being fitted for her boots reminded me of those trips to Wilburger's Ski Shop. It brought me back to leaning into the creaky new boots, wiggling my toes and my dad sticking a pencil in the back to confirm the fit was correct.
Thanks for bringing me back to those times. I hope Nora (and your son) ends up with some wonderful memories.
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