Stuey had his 4 month check today and weighed in at 20 pounds, 26 inches long. He was off the chårt for height weight and head circumference...beyond the "normal" curves. Greg Mete, the physician assistant was reassuring that since he is only breastfed that he self regulates his intake. He did pause for a moment and say, "I think thats fine....". A call to the lactation consultant reassured me that since everything is proportional hes fine. He is a big guy...quite the biceps workout holding him nowadays!!
He had his 4 month shots today too, and hes not in a great mood. Lots of crying. Poor guy....
And Nora-her binky is on the outs, as of tonight. My friend Christy, who is a speech pathologist, dropped by tonight to meet Stuey. I asked her about binky use and delayed speech...she said we should dramatically discontinue its use. This has been a point of contention between Patrick and I for the last 6 months, as I've wanted to wean her from it and Patrick supported her using it. So I just gave up. didn't feel like fighting it.
Tonight Christy said that her social skills will begin to lack if she doesn't start talking soon and her comprehension will far exceed her expression, which you ideally want to be balanced. So no more binky use unless its nap time or bed time. Sounds good to me. I'm ready to hear whats going on in that mind of hers. Zoya