This year we decided to host a Winter Solstice Party. The day couldn't have been more perfect for it. It was sunny, clear and a crisp 30 Degrees outside.
In the late afternoon, Patrick fired up the fire pit and the wood stove inside the house. Mark, our visiting friend, fired up the Banya and I put together a playlist of tunes and got things ready for people coming over.
Around 50 people came and it was so much fun to visit with everyone. The kids did great-running around playing with other kids. Stuey occasionally streaked through the kitchen. At the end of the evening the kids ended up getting into the dress-up bin, so we'd see flashes of kids in alligator costumes and such running by. I was in heaven because from 5:30-9:30, Nora and Stuey were in totally happy either outside by the fire pit, or playing and running around with the other kids in attendance.
At 10:00pm after everyone had gone and the kitchen was cleaned up, I went and enjoyed a quiet banya by myself. Even without adding water to the rocks, the temperature was 150 deg. The heat permeating from the rocks and wood benches fed my soul on such a cold, crisp winter solstice night.
It was a great way to celebrate the return of the sun; in the company of my family and fabulous friends.
i have winter solstice parties on this side of the arctic aswell!
I think the winter solstice celebration as we know originates in your part of the arctic. It is a great celebration! Patrick
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