Now that we are back in Kodiak I've been going through the vacation photos and found a few that escaped posting. We seem to have taken A LOT of good photos and I don't want any to get away. (We tend to never again look at the photos we don't post on the blog).
It's good to see all the warmth and sun - I do miss it. Here on Kodiak it is now dreary, wet and warm. Funnily enough, I checked the weather for Wickenburg and for the next few days it is supposed to colder there than here! Arizona without the heat - Egads! We did leave just in time.
Photos: Top - Nora and Stuey on top of a rock - Stuey has become a photo ham/hog and once he saw I was taking a photo of Nora he runs over to get into the picture. Second - sunset view from the porch. Third - Polly and John and family enjoying the sunset on the porch. Fourth - Zoya enjoying the sun. Fifth - Nora and an etchy sketchy drawing she made on the way home - clearly influenced by the desert views of Arizona. Note the cactii, mountain and even palm tree on the upper right. Bottom - a family photo while on a hike down a wash taken by John. Patrick
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