Here are two more panoramic images from my new camera. With my old camera when I wanted a panoramic I took a series of pictures and then stitched them together back home in photoshop. My new camera does this for me right when I take the pictures. However, I've noticed that it also makes a much smaller digital image when I use the panoramic setting; I think it stitches together a series of 2 MB images rather than the 10 MB images of which the camera is capable. This is a little worrisome - I would rather it created the highest resolution image possible in case I want to blow it up huge and print it for my wall. Nonetheless, the new camera does such a darn good job stitching the panoramics together that I have stopped doing it the old fashioned way at home in photoshop. I bet I'll regret opting for convenience over quality.
I must say I love panoramic images - the bottom one makes our house interior look huge and clean. In the top one you really feel like you are on a walk amongst the trees in Abercrombie Park.
I have to say, the new camera hides the dog hair dustballs pretty well. Your house could almost be in the latest issue of "Home Design" if I didn't know better! ;)
There is something to be said for lower resolution photos - hides the dust bunnies. Patrick
Hey, what;s that Red Sox jersey you have hanging up?
Wow - blast from the past! I have a Red Sox Jersey on the wall 'cause I'm originally from out East. It's funny you noted the jersey because before I posted the picture I checked to see (like a good anthropologist) if there was anything I would not like someone to see from the inside of my house (not like I have a lot to hide). My brother gave me the jersey - it's from the the second to last world series win. Before they became more like the Yankees. Patrick
Nice! What brand and model is the camera? How many photos will it paste together - as many as you shoot, or a fixed number? I like how it seamlessly blends the shots despite different lighting conditions.
Ishmael, It's a Pentax W60 waterproof camera. It will post only three together at a time, and it does do an excellent job. But as I said it also lowers the quality of each picture, and you do not have the original pictures to play with anymore. Patrick
That camera will make some fine panoramic shots in the field, Patrick!
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