From the day I met Patrick, he has always been a good cook; for this I have been so blessed. On our our second date he invited me over for deer stew-and it was delicious...slow cooked in a dutch oven. One of other new recipes he introduced me to 12 years ago was a recipe we started to call butter boats.
To make butter boats, you bake potatoes in the oven until they are super crispy, no aluminum foil. Once done, you cut them in half and carve the inside potatoe out into a pile on your plate. Then to each half of the potato and the pile of potato, you add a big dallop of butter and salt. The "boats" are the potato halves which have a pool of butter in them. They squish down for fun hands-on eating!
Tonight we re-discovered the butter boat, as it has been at least 4 or 5 years since we have made these. So along with our Grilled Elk flank steak and sauteed peppers, Patrick made butter boats. We formally introduced them to the kids and they loved them as well. It was fun to re-visit a recipe and time before we had kids. Butter boats always made me laugh-they were such a new concept to me, interactive and a fun spin on your basic potato. Welcome back, Butter boats!!
My parents were big into eating potato skins like this when I was a kid. Unfortunately it didn't rub off on me. =)
I think it is an East coast thing. In the midwest and on the west coast I think the foil wrapped potato and sour cream is the norm - YUCK. I much prefer the butter boat!
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