I took so many pictures on the heli-camping trip that I just had to post a few more. Tom Walters of Maritime Helicopters flew us up to the top of Center Mountain - and for 2 days of skiing our helicopter bill will be a lot less, per person, than two days of lift tickets at a ski resort in the lower 48. Go figure.
Photos: We had a full load - 5 in back and big Steve W up front with the pilot Tom. Helicopters float along and do not seem constrained by direction. Weird feeling. Second photo is of Tom taking off after dropping us off. He did a 'hot landing' (never turned the helicopter off), and as always it was very exciting. Snow bits and dirt flying with the load roar of the rotor overhead - I had 'Apocalypse Now' flashbacks running through my head. Third photo is of Bruce, Steve and Mike enjoying the sunset at midnight. Fourth photo is of Mike and Bruce at the bottom of the first run on the way home (about 1400 feet lower than where we started). Bottom photo is of everyone hiking back home carrying their skiis after we could ski no further. Patrick
Amazing photos, as always!
Helicopter trips for recreation make my stomach churn. I think it is the noise pollution and the smelly diesel emissions that bother me. If it costs less per person to take a helicopter trip than a downhill ski ticket, how would you feel if Pyramid was filled everyday with people helicopter skiing? Wouldn't it sort of ruin the experience for you? I think helicopters should be reserved for emergency and military personnel, maybe with exceptions for academic research to get to remote spots. What if you had hiked to the top of Center Mountain, and all of a sudden a helicopter came and dumped out a load of people? I have a hunch you would probably sit there a bit disgusted by the whole scene.
Wow feel the negative energy! Bad feng shui on the blog. I think Ella might need to go for a run up Ragged Mountain - enjoy the crowds! Patrick
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