And no, 'Betty and Al' are not new aliases for friends who wish to remain anonymous on our blog. We always call Lisa 'Betty' when we go skiing because that is what it says on the back of her skiis. I think 'Betty' might be the hip term for women among the ski bum crowd at resorts. Hence ski marketers put it on their skiis in the hopes of selling more to women. I just like calling Lisa 'Betty'. And since Lisa is Betty - Gregg has to be Al. We got the latter from the Paul Simon song, 'You Can Call Me Al'.
If you'll be my bodyguard
I can be your long lost pal
I can call you betty
And betty when you call me
You can call me al
Call me al
Anyway, the pictures are from our ski on Easter Sunday above the golf course. Pretty nice day for a ski in mid April! Patrick
Mine are Jills so will that be my new alias?
So I guess that makes Rob 'Jack'. Patrick
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