Oh well, we tried. This morning's post was our lame attempt at an April Fools joke. Yesterday, Zoya was sick and NOT in Anchorage. The photo we posted this morning was from the live cam at the AVO website and doctored in Photoshop. I basically threw a plane wing (from a 1960s slide I recently scanned) onto the picture. It looked so Sci Fi and fake that Zoya and I thought everybody would know it was a joke.
Problem is - the post was too believable for a good April Fools joke. Everybody who've I've talked to so far who read it also believed it. And worst of all, when I got to work a fellow employee who had just returned from vacation had taken a picture of the volcano from her airplane window. A photo remarkably like the one we posted this morning and coincidentally taken at the same time (both around 4PM). Her plane actually did fly a big detour to the windward of the volcano. So our joke post really was real life.
Zoya and I find it funny that Alaskans have become so blase about the erupting volcano that they just accepted our post as the truth. In Alaska commercial airliners really do fly around erupting volcanos.
Anyhow, here are 2 more photos from the AVO web cam of Redoubt volcano at dawn yesterday. Again I doctored them big time in Photoshop. The originals are pretty grainy and dark, but check out the website (see earlier post from March for web address). It is pretty cool to see a volcano erupting live. Patrick
I guess you have to light some tires on fire to pull one over on Alaskans: http://www.olypen.com/sitkacds/porky.htm
That's a pretty good April Fools day joke. I bet if you tried that today Homeland security would be on you like 'white on rice'. I love the USCG flying over and seeing 'april fools' in the snow. Patrick
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