Yes, we've been delinquent in doing Nora word of the week. Perhaps because it should be changed to Nora PHRASE of the week. She is putting 2 words together now-articulation has a long way to go, but nonetheless, we're thrilled about her language progress. As I tell people, Nora is "finding her groove" and discovering that language is a LOT more effective than screaming.
Nora says "No, Diii" for "No Stuey". She says this when he is doing something she doesn't want him to do, or if he is getting into a cabinet he isn't supposed to.
Speaking of cabinets, Patrick and I resort to non-traditional methods of babyproofing the house. We have a standard lock on the chemicals under the sink, but aside from that we resort to rubber bands. In the picture above, Patrick jerry-rigged a "lock" for the cabinet to the left of our stove. We didn't have string, so he made string out of duct tape and used a rubber band. Stuey kept getting into the cabinet and throwing our potatoes everywhere. Potatoes No More. After Patrick was done putting the "lock" on he said, "Stuey, try and get into that now - make my day!" :)
A topic of disucussion amongst my friends/family is Stuey's hair. I like his "Stuey Ray Cyrus" look, but Ella and others think he is in dire need of a haircut. I, personally, have loved his long locks. I told myself that as soon as people call him a "she" I would cut his hair. That moment came last night. At a museum dinner, a gentleman said, "Wow, what a big girl!". Its time.
As I examined his hair today, prepping myself for the big cut, I noticed his hair at the bottom has curls in it and tears welled up in my eyes. I was going to cut his curls off. But it really is time. Our houseguest, Rose, agreed.
1 comment:
Looks like a mullet to me.
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