Wow the past 2 days have been exhausting. Yesterday was full of Nora crying LOTS every time I fed Stuey, and she was in a bad mood ALL day. From the moment she woke up she was grouchy, even though she had 12 hours of sleep. She has really been testing my patience...doing things she knows shes not supposed to do while looking me straight in the eye. This landed her several trips to time outs yesterday-not sure how much that really helped the situation.
Thank heavens for supportive friends and a loving husband. Yesterday I called Alexis in the afternoon in a state of exhaustion. Today Sara Bruce brought by some Chai Latte Brownies at noon, which hit the spot, as well as her timely words of support ( will get better with time...).
I'm exhausted from Nora crying and needing me in between every 2-3 hour feedings with Stuart. We all have colds, which doesn't make things better.
Its almost as though it is a little known secret amongst parents of 2 kids that it is REALLY hard for a while, then it gets better. I knew it'd be a challenge and the past 2 days have really put me to the test. Exercise with the stroller (and my time indoor biking this week!!) has helped dramatically!!
This too will pass. There are SO few moments of the day where I'm not needed by the kiddos in some capacity. I think thats the hard part. But it will get better as they get older. (ZAS)
This photo was taken several weeks ago....just now got around to posting it!