Time continues to fly by-the days are filled with changing lots of diapers, nursing, doing loads of cloth diapers and finding some time here and there for myself. With Cathy here from Homer, I have been able to work on quilt projects, clean and cook more than I would otherwise have time for. Nora has warmed up to Cathy-it took her a couple of days to realize that just because Grandma is here doesn't mean that mom is going to take off.
Stu continues to sleep darn well at night-3 hour chunks. Just heavenly.
Nora has her ups and downs every day-just like any toddler would. At times she needs LOTS of mommy time and other times she is fine for an hour or more on her own, walking around the house-playing independently. I can't put any rhyme or reason to when she needs me more. Some times when I'm holding Stuart she barely notices then other times she festinates on it and demands to be held or nursed.
She is learning that she has to wait her turn for mommy and usually she stands there with a pouty look on her face and cries while I finish up with Stu or whatever it is I'm doing. I make an effort to pick her up, play with her, get down to her level as much as I can when I'm not with Stu. I love to hear her laugh and smile-it makes my day.
I'm realizing the importance of taking outings with just her so she can have alone mom time. I think that will be important for her, especically in the months to come. (ZAS)
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