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Thursday, March 08, 2007

Thrush (its not just a bird) and Circumcision

Ahhhh, what a week in our house. On Monday, nursing began to REALLY hurt and I couldn't figure out what was going on. So I brought the kiddos to the local breastfeeding support group, thinking that perhaps I would have to wean Nora.

At the group, one of the gals was oohhhing and ahhhing at Stuart when she noticed the white patch on his tongue. She said, "Zoya, it looks like he has thrush. Has it been more painful nursing him recently?" I said, "well, yes, in fact-thats the reason I'm here." So a trip to the doctor that afternoon proved that it was in fact thrush so he is on drops and I on cream. Hes doing MUCH better with nursing, thank heavens!! And thank heavens for Nursing support groups! And I don't have to wean Nora. Phew!!

Today he was circumcised....poor little guy. Everyone says, "Oh, normally they do that right before you leave the hospital, right?"....well Stu had an unusual course of events following his birth and we had to wait. Circumcision took back seat to breathing.

He did well with it-I stood there and helped hold the binky in his mouth (and no, Stuart is NOT a binky baby like Nora...hes not a "suck-a-holic" like she was)...I wasn't planning on staying and watching, but it was good to be able to comfort him. He needed 4 shots of lidocaine to numb him up....the doc said normally kiddos just need 1 or maybe 2. It was re-assuring to see that he had enough lidocaine before the procedure. It was tough to see his little pee-pee all exposed and bleeding where the foreskin was. (sorry...probably too much detail for many of you)....Its good to have it over with.

Patrick and I had many circumcision discussions last fall when we found out we were having a boy. We were torn-do we circumcise, or not? I was leaning towards not and Patrick wanted to. After reading arcticles on it, and discussing the topic more with our doctor friends, Julie and Ray, we decided to. I never imagined we would, but after seeing how passionate Patrick was about circumcising Stu, I realized that he had a big part in this decision. All in all, I"m glad we did it. He will have a little bit more pain and fussiness in the next day as he recovers from the pain.

Cathy is here from Homer and Nora is enjoying time with her Grandma. Cathy is a so wonderful with helping hold Stu and play with Nora. More pictures and stories to come in the week to come....

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