Birth camp in Philly was fabulous. The trip out East was long, but very smooth. I took a full day body work for pregnancy class as well as a 1/2 day herb class where we learned about preparing simple tinctures, oils, etc. This spring I am ready to try making some teas, etc. with chamomile, nettles, etc from around here! There is a whole world of herbs which will be fun learn about. The herb class was more for my own knowledge...I wouldn't be apt to recommend herbal tincutres, teas, etc to doula clients.
I arrived home on Saturday morning, was completely grumpy and tired all day Saturday but then returned to my "normal Zoya" self on Sunday after 9 hours of sleep. Phew! Yesterday the energizer bunny took over-- I made homemade Pecan Waffles, homemade blueberry muffins, then mushroom risotto and a chinese broccoli-mushroom dish for dinner. Probably making up for lost time cooking after 4 days of eating in airports, hotels, etc...
Last night at midnight I got a call from my April doula client--a first time mom in labor. The birth went quickly and I was home at 6:30 AM. Wow. What an incredible start to my day! I was sitting down to a cup of coffee when Patrick and the kiddies woke up at 6:45. So I'll be running on fumes a bit today....after only 2 hours of sleep. But I've done it many times before without too much difficulty so I should be fine.
This morning Nora did something that took me by COMPLETE surprise. Yesterday I took her to get groceries and as we pulled into Cost-savers, she saw the OPEN sign and said, what does that say mom?
I said "Open. O-P-E-N". and She repeated it after I said it. I thought nothing more of the interaction until this morning when she came running over to me with the words OPEN written on a stickie note.
She said, "See mom-I wrote OPEN. O-P".
I asked Patrick, "So you helped Nora write open on this stickie note?"
He said, "No I didn't".
I asked Nora, "Did you write this all by yourself?"
She said, "Yeah-OPEN. I saw it at Cost-savers."
So cool to see how much is sinking into her mind with letters, words etc without us even working at it!
Photos: A very tired Katie and myself at the Train Station in Philadelphia having a bite to eat before taking the train to DC! The train stations in DC and PHilly were gorgeous!
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