Tonight at 7 PM I will show what we found last summer during our dig out on Cliff Point. Can you believe it - another public lecture? I think I have set a record for me this spring, and I have another about the antiquity of Alutiiq whaling in 2 weeks. But the good thing about giving so many is that I am far less nervous than usual. Is this a good thing?
On another note, yesterday I gathered seaweed with the kids down on the beach and made seaweed salad and chips (see post from last April for recipe). I discovered that the seaweed I use to make salad DOES NOT work for making chips. I thought the two might be inter-changable and threw some of the salad seaweed into the wok full of hot oil that I use for making chips. SERIOUS explosion, dogs fled the kitchen, Stu started to cry, and Zoya just said 'Wow'. Oil all over the stove and barely anything left of the seaweed - not the sublime crisps we end up with when we use the other kind of seaweed. Oh well, live and learn.
patrick, your kids sure have a funny dad. sorry i'll miss your lecture tonight. enjoy, john
Great presentation - thanks!
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