Easter last Sunday was a fun afternoon-we hid some eggs before the kids got up and I filled the eggs with pistacios. Not a chocolate egg or bunny was to be found in our house! Yeah! In the late afternoon, we headed out to Roxann and Mike's for Easter dinner. I ate entirely way too much chocolate cake for dessert and we had fun catching up with Mike and Roxann (and holding baby Sophie) while the kids played with Cece.
When we got ready to go to Easter dinner, Nora thought daddy looked like a 'farmer' while Daddy thought mommy looked like a swedish bar maid. Hence, for the evening we were 'Inga and Olaf'. Can't hurt trying out a new hairdo!
Tonight we had a little adventure on the coast gaurd base. We were invited out to dinner at a friends house and when I got to base, I realized my Geico car insurance card was 1 week expired, so we had no option but to leave our car at the gate. The kids had run to the car without jackets as we left the house, so Patrick and I put our jackets on the kids and started walking to our friends house. The gentleman at the Coast Gaurd Gate felt quite badly...seeing us trek off into the cold with our big bowl of salad and coats wrapped around the kids. He actually offered us his car to drive! He said, "How long will you be? You want to take my car?" Only in Kodiak...one of the many times I love living here!
I eventually called my friend, as her house was a bit of a hike and she drove us to her place. Dinner was a yummy meal of home made lasagna, home made bread, home made ice cream, home made bread pudding complete with home made chilled ginger tea! Oh so delicious! And the kids had a blast playing with little cars that her 3 boys have. And Patrick had a blast talking about Kodiak grown food, such as plants, seaweed salad, etc. Patrick loves it when others are excited about gathering Kodiak food and learning more about it.
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