Yesterday we celebrated Stuey's 4th birthday and it ended with the lyrics, "...Turned 21 in prison doing life without parole...".
The day started with the kids both sick. I should've rescheduled dinner but with me leaving town on Tuesday, I didn't want to have to schedule it for after my return. Bad move on my part.
I'll spare you the details, but the day included Nora biting Stuey's finger, Stuey hitting a friend who was over to celebrate and Stuey spending the last part of his birthday party in time out. It wasn't a pretty afternoon. :( Luckily we managed to get some cake and ice cream in along with a yummy dinner.
After the kids were in bed, Patrick was laughing telling me about the words to a song.....called 'Mamma Tried' by Merle Haggard--the lyrics included, "I turned 21 in prioson doing life without parole...".
Stuey turned 4 in time out!
At least we could get a good laugh out of it while listening to the lyrics of the song last night.
Today included me trying to put a little lego airplane together and Stuey making a house visit apology to the friend he hit.
(The airplane was quite frusturating..I spent close to 2 hours on it today and had it nearly together and Patrick spent an hour on it and got it together--wowsers!! Quite the puzzle! Stuey sat watching us the entire time-very patient and eager to play with the plane. Once it was together, he got about 1/2 hour of play time with it before I accidently dropped it. He took that fairly well).
It was definitely not a great birthday, but we did enjoy dinner with some friends last night, so that was fun.
Ha ha, luckily he has loving parents who will at least offer parole.
Don't you wish you followed your gut more often? We all do that, think it would be easier to just trudge on, knowing it will be hard for the kids. I kick myself over and over for doing just that. One day we will learn.
At least Stuey learned something very valuable, just because your the birthday boy doesn't mean you can do WHATEVER you want.
Too funny! Your comment got a good laugh from me...especially the fact that the birthday boy can't get away with everything he wants....so true, so true!
Have a good week! Zoya
Happy Birthday to Stuey! Can't believe he's 4!! At least the paarty created memories! :)
Uh oh, he's moved on to Legos!? I'm comin' over.
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