Funnily enough when I go skate skiing up in the hills no one goes with me. About 8 years ago there was a very good cross country skiier named Shawn Harper who was in town doing seal research over at Fish Tech, and I used to go XC skiing with him up in the hills. But since then whenever I've left the lake and river flats and headed for the slopes on skate ski gear I've always gone by myself. Consequently, I've never had any video or still footage showing what it is like. I've been limited to descriptions and scenic photos with nobody in them.
That is until yesterday. Yesterday, I ran into Brian G at the ski chalet parking lot and he was heading up into the hills on skate ski gear. Just like me. He may be the only other person who does this on a regular basis. It was a blast to share the experience with someone else. And I even made a very short (37 second) video to give readers an idea of what it is like up there on skate skiis.
In town there is no snow, but up there there is several feet of snow with powder on top. When I've described how much fun it is up there on skate gear in the past, I think people generally wink at each other and agree that despite what I say it is terrible. They translate what I report into 'Patrick was probably battling brush and ice.' But now I have video!
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