Patrick and I had our first trip together without the kids last weekend. I've tried this two times in the past, but volcanos erupting and childhood illnesses got in the way os us escaping sans kids... This time, it worked! We made it off of Kodiak without a hitch in beautiful weather. Upon arriving in Anchorage we went to a great Vietnamese restaurant for some warm soup before skiing at Kincaid park.
For dinner we met up with Julie and Ray at Marx Brothers Cafe. The 4 of us had a lovely time catching up without any interruptions from little ones and enjoying a freshly prepared (tableside) Caesar Salad. YUM YUM YUM! There is nothing better than an authentic caesar salad!! (it was high on the garlic content-my favorite!)
After dinner the 4 of us met up with Brian D. at the top of the Captain Cook hotel for drinks. The view up there is just breathtaking of Anchorage.
The weekend really hit the spot. By Sunday afternoon, I felt like I had been really re-acquanted with Patrick. This trip reminded me how much fun I have traveling with patrick, talking with him, skiing with him, going to meals with him. I have several friends who have done a kid-less couple getaway and talked about how great it was-and now I understand. By the end of Sunday afernoon before we headed back, I was wishing we had another day and night together. Next time we'll go for a little longer.
Today I was running a tad bit slower from such a busy weekend, but it was worth every second. I hit the ground running at work and taught spinning class to finish off my workday.
Brian D. myself, Patrick, Julie and Ray atop the Captain Cook hotel
Julie and Ray
Patrick and myself
It was great to see you too this weekend. You both looked like a couple of kids having a great time. We just wish we could've made it to the 'Nest.'
Sounds wonderful. We do not get out without the kids often either. In fact only twice since they were born. When it happens though, we both feel rejuvenated and swear we wont wait so long next time.
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