We've been blessed with 70 degree weather this week in Maine! Yeah! Its been fun to wear summer clothes and not have to worry about jackets when going outside. The past several days have been filled with a trip to the pool with Nora, visits with Patrick's sister, Polly, dinners with Ella, Dicky, et al and just relaxing. Nora and Leo have had a few spats with eachother where there is some pushing and fighting going on-pretty funny to watch them duke it out!!
Swimming at the pool with Nora was FABULOUS> they have a therapy pool at the local YMCA which is waaayyyy heated, shallow and perfect for kiddos. Nora was in heaven. Just like a giant bathtub.
Stuey is sleeping from 10pm-5AM lately-straight through! I'm lovin' it. Waking up feeling SO rested.
Patrick called-all is well on the dig. thank heavens. He hadn't called for a few days so I was getting worried. Thank goodness for satellite phones!
Photos are of Polly holding Stuey yesterday and the rest are self-explanatory....Stuey, Nora, myself and Leo. :)