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Saturday, May 19, 2007

Family Times out East

The time change adjustment hasn't been as hard for Nora and Stuey as I imagined it would be. Nora wakes up an hour or so earlier than usual and needs an earlier nap, but other than that-we are pretty much back to normal.loo

It was so good to get family time out East. It is hard to be SO FAR AWAY from everyone-especially with our little ones growing up. Nora loved watching Emmy garden-planting, watering....she was fascinated. Emmy and her spent time in the evenings just hanging out on the lawn in the evening warmth. I look forward to when we return out East in November-Patrick and I have decided to go out for Thanksgiving this year. By then Nora will be even easier to travel with, but Stuey will probably be getting more challenging to travel with as he becomes more mobile and active.

Today I am going to a going away barbeque for two friends who are going to begin a sailing trip to Austraila, Alisa and Mike. They have sold their house and will head out in a couple of weeks. They have a 9 month old boy, Elias, who will go on the journey as well! So amazing. I can't wait to hear about it as the trip progresses. They have a blog which they hope to update along the way. :)

The pictures are of Emmy and I with Nora on the infamous lighthouse walk and of the cousins (except for Brooks and Davis) together. Zoya