Stuart and Nora are completely back to normal from their trip. The past two days, however, Stuart has a bit of a cold-little sniffles. Poor guy. He is my rocking chair junkie. Nora never really cared for the rocking chair, but it sure soothes Stuart! I brought the chair out to the living room next to the couch. He loves being rocked. Our chair has a big arc to its rock and it is fun to sit in and look out the window to the ocean. When Stuart is gassy, upset, the chair puts him right to ease. During our trip out East, there was one place we stayed where there wasn't a rocking chair and he was harder to soothe in the evening. I discovered that sitting on a bouncy ball may have the same effect... :)
Nora is starting to say "more" and do the sign for "please". And she is verbalizing more...making different sounds. Yesterday Megan said, "I think Nora will start talking soon." She may be right.
The big Crab Festival festivities are this weekend-starting today. The weather is rainy and windy. People will need snorkle gear to enjoy the festivities. The forecast is gloomy. I'll put Nora in her raingear and take her anyway. Megan took this picture of Nora before our trip-she has her toddler grundens and jacket on.
In Kodiak, theres no such thing as bad weather, just bad gear!! Zoya