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Friday, May 04, 2007

In Maine

We're in Maine now hanging out with Ella and Dicky and Leo. I was imformed by Ella that a blogpost is boring without a photo, but I opted to post anyhow. Nora is sleeping on my lap and I don't have a current photo handy to download.

The trip out East went smoothly. Megan and I were pleasantly surprised with how smooth and fast the flights went. 1 hour stop in Anchorage and Minn. and before we knew it we were in Boston. Nora LOVED walking around the terminal people watching and she grew to enjoy the plane ride as well!

We're in Rockport Maine now and Patrick's mom has generously offered for us to stay at her house here. She'll be up next week from Massachusetts to join us. We spent the first 2 days of our trip with her in Boston. Our plans for the upcoming week include trips to the local YMCA for swimming, exercise, walks, trips to the park, playgroups with Ella's friends kids, petting zoo, eating and just plain hanging out. Its fun to see Ella 36 weeks pregnant! This is the first time I have ever seen her pregnant.

Patrick called from his Olga bay dig today and he sounds well. Sounds like they have plenty of firewood to keep them warm. yeah!
