The photo is of Stuart sacked out on Meg's lap today!
2 months since Stuey was born and I'm finding a groove with our new schedule. Ahhh...the dust from having a newborn is beginning to finally settle. Sleeping is going better-Stuart has 3-4 hour stretches many nights, which is fantastic. Amazing how far a little stretch of sleep can help my energy during the day.
On Wednesday I began a 3 day a week circuit training weight program. The curcuit is 24 stations at our local gym-45 seconds at each station. It hits all the muscle groups and is a killer workout. I'm excited to finally do some weight training again. Between that on MWF and teaching spinning classes T/Th, I'm feeling energized once again.
Having my mommy helper, Meg, at the house in the mornings has been such a blessing! She has enabled me to go to the gym, have one-on-one time with Nora, and keep my sanity when Nora needs extra TLC. She is fantastic with Stuart and is really getting to know him as well. She'll say, "he seemed a bit gassy....seems like he is extra hungry lately....he really is looking around more....boy he has gotten big...." I"ll be taking her out East with me to see Patricks mom and my sister and other family for 2 weeks in May. She'll be a lifesaver on a transcontinental flight with a 20 month old and a 3 month old! Hopefully by then Nora will be excited at the prospect of watching a help pass the time. Up till now she really hasn't watched videos-
Lately when Stuart cries, I get occasional flashbacks to when he was in the NICU and I would hear him cry and not be able to respond to him. For instance, he would cry when they were putting an IV in, or if he was hungry and it was taking a while to get his food ready-before I could nurse him. I hated not being able to reach out and hold him in the NICU. So precious and innocent he was-and yet I couldn't snuggle him against me. I want to some how make it up to him now. I feel badly that he had to go through all of that. I think the experience was just as hard, if not harder, on me than on him. I just give him lots of hugs and kisses.
My first night with him in the hospital (his last night there) was so blissful-I remember rolling him into our little room in his bassinette and I could bring him right next to me all night. I was in heaven and barely slept. I was so giddy with excitement to have my little guy right next to me. I never wanted to let him go from my sight again. To have him away from the beeps, monitors, lines, oxygen. He was where he belonged-next to mamma.
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