Several weeks ago I received a mass mailing letter from Premera Blue Cross stating that their coverage for my policy was going to change, effective May 1, 2007. Reading through the list of changes, "ambulance services" caught my attention. As of May 1, 2007, there will be NO cap on ambulance services under the plan I'm on. Its good that someone saw the light and changed that portion of the plan. I wrote a letter to Premera requesting that this change of plan be made retroactive to Feb 9th, when we took the "ambulance" ride to Anchorage. We'll wait and see what happens.
I'm in the final stages of my breast milk donor application. I have to wait for a blood test kit from the Milk donation group and 3 weeks after that I'll be ready to start. I"m starting to stack up the milk in my freezer. When I asked Mary Jane and Alexis if I was crazy for wanting to do this, they reassured me that I'm not. I'm so curious about the whole process and it seems like a much cooler way to help people in other countries rather then sending money. You never really know where your money goes to. I know that breasmilk, however, would end up in the tummies of babies in South Africa! So cool.
Once I'm given the go ahead to start, the International Breastmilk Project people send me 1 day fed ex boxes with coolers and I can start. The milk will initially be sent to a center in California and then once a month or so I believe they send it all together to Africa. (Zoya)