Stuey is over 2 months old now and 14 pounds. He is my little chunker-rubber band wrists, thighs, arms...little fat rolls everywhere. So kissable!
Nights are going better and better-he sleeps 3-4 hour chunks routinely now. Yeee-haa!! Feels good to finally get some rest.
Thats not to say that evenings/nights are always good-last night was an example. Patrick went off to a meeting and Stuart and Nora were both crying at one point right when Nora went to bed. Then Stuey proceeded to cry for 1/2 hour after Nora went to bed. Kind of unusual for him-he was really upset and I wasn't sure why. Finally it passed and he went to sleep-but it not before I chewed my nails off and comfort ate (dried mangos-not too bad for myself-I suppose).
Parenting is filled with those moments of frusturation/angst where you can't do much to alleviate a situation except ride the wave. Fortunately it is balanced out by joyous moments as well-such as Nora laughing, learning something new, giving me a big hug...Stu smiling. It all balances out.
I've been stroller walking every day with different friends, which is fantastic to get outside! One day with Alisa, one day with Roxann, today with Karen. So fun to catch up with friends and get exercise at the same time! :) (ZAS)