Here are a few more pretty pictures that I found while looking through my photos from the last 3 years. Another thing I've noticed about my own pictures is that I seem to like the panoramic format A LOT. In the old days I used to use a point and shoot film camera that only had a 28 mm lens. I had to learn to make the landscape fit. Nowadays, I have a zoom and my camera can even make pans for me. It's amazing how far cameras have come in just the last 10 years.
Anyway - here are the photos: Top is of Gregg on a ski tour above what we call the blueberry bowl. Second photo is of the North Sister cirque that I took during the Christmas bird count one year. Third is from the same ski tour as the blueberry bowl picture and is of the valley behind Pyramid with Nipple Peak in the background. Fourth is from a hike at Abercrombie. And finally the last picture is of Lily Pad lake on Afognak taken during an elk hunt. Patrick
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