Yesterday was the two Cinderella dance performances. I'm so glad it is over. Last week was rehearsals almost every night...some of which we didn't make it to. With a 4 and 5 year old, I was a little selective about how many hours of rehearsal into the late evening that they could handle. Dance weeks are rough on our family...Nora got progressively more tired and needy as the week went on. She started crying from the moment she woke up. Tired. Tired. Tired.
Last night Patrick and I went to 1/3 of the show and watched Stuey as a bee and Nora as a mouse. The bumblebees were something else...such a cute little bunch. There are 3 guys in Stuey's class. As part of their role, they were to flutter their arms like butterfly wings. Stuey adapted the move to do a shoulder--wing--shrug. He did it almost the entire dance and had a funny smile on his face. Patrick and I were laughing so hard---I had tears running down my face I was laughing so hard. I wasn't sure if it was just us that found Stuey and the bees so funny--but the whole audience was laughing.
I got a facebook message this morning from someone in the crowd that said they were laughing so hard at Stuey's bee moves that they had tears running down their face. I really look forward to watching the video of it all so I can relive it. The older dancers did such a good job of shuffling all the younger kids around. They are so gentle, patient and positive through it all. Its a big job for them to not only do their own dances, but to help corral the younger ones. :)
Nora was in her regular mouse dance, and then a second small dance where 4 mice dance around one of the older dancers. You can see this in the picture. It was fun to see Nora in a smaller dance. She looked so pleased.
Patrick and I joked that during the remainder of the performance, we half expected Stuey to randomly sprint across the stage with a helper chasing behind...when he gets tired he most definitely needs 1:1 supervision!! Fortunately, Sara was behind stage with the kiddos so we didn't have to worry at all about them.
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