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Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I discovered this time lapse movie feature on my new digital camera that takes a picture every 2 seconds and allows me to 'speed up nature'. I've been wanting to try it for weeks, and finally remembered to do it for this morning's sunrise. It's pretty cool. I can't wait to make a movie of a flower opening.

I shot almost an hour of video and it turned into one minute and 30 seconds of video. I cut it to 20 seconds for the blog - no sense in clogging up your server. Comparing this video with the photo of the moon from last night I noticed that while the moon rises at sunset, it does not rise from the same spot on the horizon as the sun does in the morning. I wonder on what day they both rise from the same spot on the horizon? Pretty soon I'll have to make a stonehenge type thing on my lawn where I record all these observations. Patrick

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