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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Sunset Skate

All the ice skating on the 'lakes' about Kodiak brings back childhood memories of skating on the big lakes of Maine. In many regards Kodiak is a lot like the coast of Maine. Rocky coast with spruce trees, and the wide open ocean. Only in Alaska everything is bigger and more rugged. I always say that Kodiak is like Maine on steriods.

One exception, however is our 'lakes'. In Maine they would be termed 'ponds'. I miss the skating expeditions on the big lakes in Maine. We'd skate 10 miles down a lake and then eat lunch and head home up the other side. Lots of big lakes to explore all within a short drive. Here we only 3 ponds of any size, and it does get a little boring going round and round the perimeter. Not that a lot beats skating on Abercrombie at sunset!

This photo is of my Mom and stepfather, George, skating back to the car at sunset on Damriscotta Lake sometime in the early 1990s. Damriscotta is a big lake on the coast of Maine. The ice looks pretty good too.


Northern Annie said...

Howdy, guys... this doesn't have to do with the "sunset skate" (although that's an AMAZING photo, Patrick!).

I'm more compelled by your mini poll... Man, you guys have a unique set of friends! Do you realize that the greatest percentage of "favorite meat" goes to ELK?! Who in the US eats elk besides us backwoods folk??

I think that's cool. :-)

Have a great day,


Zoya, Patrick, Nora and Stuart said...

I'm amazed by how the tofu and plastic wrapped product are doing. ... .I mean that 'aint right. Patrick