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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Dead Whale

We got back last night from our camping trip on Afognak - lots of stories and pictures to come.  I thought I'd start with one of the weirdest things we saw while on Afognak.  A great big dead whale that floated up on the beach across the bay from our camp.

We first saw it 2 days ago but thought the white blog was a boat and crew tending a subsistence net.  It even moved around a bit like a boat.  Then yesterday we boated over and discovered the blob was a great big dead whale.  Someone who seems to know whales tells me the small tale and side flippers indicate that it is a fin whale.  It certainly looks pretty 'fresh', and we all wondered why it died.

It will not be long before the bears find it!  When it starts to smell it ought to be a bear magnet, and there will be some great bear viewing here before too long.  Patrick

1 comment:

Molly said...

Wow, I've never seen one so fresh!