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Monday, July 28, 2014

A Quick Road Trip To Surfers Beach

Cousin Love

As we pull up to Surfers beach, the car doors fly open and the kids run up to the big dirt hill which sits alongside the parking lot. Dashing up to the top, they slide, and jump off the top, race back up and repeat. The kids are breathless with enthusiasm. 

On the drive out to Surfers beach, Ella followed closely behind me. Patrick pretended to be the paparazzi and took pictures of her in her Subaru behind us. Our car joked about who is the fastest driver---Ella or I?

Sister time on the beach with Ella. We sat on the sand and watched the kids frolic in the surf. We debated on when to call the kiddos in from the cold Alaskan the end, the kids came in on their own, and were eager for towels and dry clothes.

California? No. Hawaii? No. Alaska? Yes!  Brrr.....

Loved the surf enthusiasm!

A big purpose of the trip was  to show Surfers beach to my niece, Cami. She had some nice time on her own to walk along the shore and enjoy the views on her own as well as with us and the kids.


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