Recently everyone has been asking how Nora likes preschool. She was in the 4 year old group and it wasn't going well. I noticed that on the evening of days she had been at preschool, she was quite tired and crabby. I attributed this to the fact that she was just tired from all day at preschool. Whenever we asked her how preschool was, she would scowl and turn away. This started concerning me as well. Whenever I asked her who she played with at preschool, she would say Bella, who is in the younger group. The two groups are split for most of the day but there are 1 or 2 hours where they are together for play time. I called up the director, we talked and decided to move her to the younger group.
It turned out to be a great decision. Nora had such a smile on her face this morning when I dropped her off with the younger group and when I picked her up tonight, she was confident and happy all evening. I think it made a big difference for her to be the "big kid" in the group instead of the girl who couldn't quite express herself well with the older kids.
Last weekend we decided to get Nora a little kid fishing rod, to try for some silvers. More for the experience of fishing really. Nora has started saying, "Dad, can we get fishing line?"
So we drove down to Macks Sport shop for a fishing rod. On the way out the door, Nora said, "Dad, can you get me a gun, too? For deer?". The look on Patrick's face was PRICELESS. The moment he has been waiting for for the past 5 years. I told her, "Nora, your dad already got you a gun." Little does she know that he spent a pretty penny on a special "260 remington" for Nora-supposedly-that he bascially uses for himself. Pretty funny. Nonetheless, it is fun to see Nora getting excited about fishing and hunting at this early age without any real prompting from us. She just hears Patrick talk about his hunting and fishing trips and she wants to be part of it.
you think you used to get a lot of junk mail from the NRA...well, now you are going to be their poster child! get ready for them to link to your blog! great to hear Nora's doing so well and Zoya, so glad you were there for the priceless moment when she asked for her own gun. Enjoy the venison for us, xxox Alisa
Obama will just take her gun away if you give her one. I think we're all supposed to take our guns down to the AC parking lot to turn them sometime next week.
Don't you know it - I can't believe that next year we have to report all of our guns on our income tax reports. It's a secret right now, but come next year they'll have us. Patrick
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