The past week, I took Thursday and Friday off from physical therapy and was home with the kids. Yesterday the weather was just gorgeous and I decided to take the kids down to Cliff Point to see Patrick at the community archaeology dig.
The road down to cliff point is REALLY bumpy and full of lake size pot-holes. As my subaru traversed the potholes down the 2 mile descent, Nora could tell I was rather enjoying the ride. She started to say, "you like this, mamma? You like this?" I said, Yeah-I do-this is FUN!". I hoped and prayed that my little purple subaru would make the trip with all pieces intact.
When we made it to the bottom I saw Patricks truck in the distance and I was SO happy he was at the spot where I thought he was. There were so many little sideroads that I didn't take. When we saw his truck, Nora cheered, "Hip-Hip Hooray!". I brought Patrick and Mark sandwiches from Cactus flats and we had a few minutes to play at the beach.
The trip back up the hill was even MORE fun because I was in a rush to get to my haircut appointment so the puddle splashes were even bigger. The kids got a kick out of it!
Recently Stuey has taken on a VERY annoying habit when he gets mad/tired. He first makes attempts at spitting, then says "shoooot...shooottt" while pointing his finger at whoever he is mad at. The past few days have really escalated with the behavior--I"m not sure if perhaps he is tired, OR he sees how much attention (negative, however) he gets from it. Part of me thinks that ignoring it would be the best thing, but maybe not. Especially when he is doing it to guests who are over at the house! Ahhh...the joys of toddlerhood. They really know how to press buttons at times. This morning Amy M. reminded me as we ate breakfast that he is, in fact, a two-and-a-half year old. And he is acting like one. Exerting his independence.
When he does it, I'd like to teach him to put into words that is mad, saying, "i'm mad mommy" instead of doing the "shooottt" noise. Boys, boys, boys.
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