Its 10:45, the house is quiet-all are fast asleep. There has been a lot going on here this past week between evening meetings, work, sunny outdoor activities and the archaeology dig.
Today the hustle-bustle was fun/chaotic. I dropped the kids off at 9:00 at the "Ram Site" beach with a wonderful kids photographer, Amy Johnson. [Getting there was a feat in itself-trying to find a shirt for Nora where the sleeves weren't too small and there wasn't a stain on it took some serious digging in her closet. Makes me realize how her whole wardrobe is a wee bit too small for her!!] After arriving, I realized that Stuey still had pink nail polish on from a babysitter activity several days ago. So I had to race home and get nail polish remover ASAP.
Once Amy started taking photos, I was LAUGHING so hard!! Amy had a "fart machine" which was remote control activated-it made the best variety of fart noises and she got wonderful smiles out of both kids. VERY funny. Then Amy sang the ABC's to Nora and kept messing up on purpose, which Nora once again thought was quite funny. All the fun tricks of kid photography! Ahh..the patience it must take to work with kids. I'm in awe of Amy! Shes amazing.
Tonight Mark fired up the banya and Nora and I took a banya before bed. Amy M. (the archaeologist) came in as well. Nora really likes the banya-tonight was her second time in. She loves the water routine of pouring water on us and she drinks lots of water while we are in there. We don't stay in very long but just long enough for her to see the little rituals that are done, including taking outside breaks to cool off. When I suggest it is time to leave, she is insistent on wanting to stay, but I have to strongly persuade her to leave, as I know she wouldn't know when she gets too hot.
Tonight was the 4th birth network meeting, held at a birth network members home. About 10 people came in attendance and the cool part was that there were MANY new faces at tonights meeting. I see that the birth network is picking up energy, enthusiasm and members very quickly-quicker than I had ever anticipated! There is a mix of people in attendance--aspiring doulas, aspiring midwives, health professionals and moms who have had a whole variety of birth experiences. These meetings have been advertised only by e-mail and word of mouth and the attendance seems to grow at each meeting, with such a large variety of people there.
It is finally dark-time for bed. Tomorrow is the Coast Gaurd Newcomers Fair and I"m going to have a table set up for A Balanced Approach. This will be my first time having a booth at an event, which I'm excited about. It'll be fun to meet lots of new people and help spread the word about my business.
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