I"m tired of the construction in down town Kodiak. The city has been working on replacing the water mains since March (or was it as early as February-in any case-it was FOREVER ago). The construction goes on and on and on and on.
The flag people are inconsistent and sometimes borderline forceful and rude. Earlier this week they were actually laying down pavement and I thought "oh, good, just a day or two more and it'll all be done." A few days later I tried to go to the bank downtown and had to park way far away-they had dug up something which they had just paved and a bunch of tractors were all working on this big hole. And the road had been recently paved.
I'm a physical therapist, not a construction foreman, so I really have no place saying that construction should go faster or smoother.
And the only reason I really care is I feel for the businesses downtown. This is their prime season and cars can't even drive down there. What a bummer for them!!!!! Not cool. Just had to get that off my chest. Phew. Now I feel better. Blogging definitely has therapeutic qualities.
Taco Bell is coming to Kodiak-actually-it'll be a combo KFC/Taco Bell. I can't wait.
Construction on the Taco Bell building is going fast-but not fast enough for my liking. :) Chicken soft tacos, here I come. I"m giddy with excitement over the arrival of Taco Bell.
My sister Ella, amongst many other people, think I'm semi ridiculous for getting excited, but I can't help myself. (Afterall, Ella lives in the land of yummy places to eat including DUNKIN DONUTS!! She doesn't know what its like to be a little bit fast food deprived)
The Taco Bell will be JAMMED PACKED for several weeks (or even months, probably) after opening but I can't wait nonetheless. I vaguely remember when McDonalds opened (was it '87?)-and what a HUGE deal it was. Kodiak's first fast food chain. And I vaguely remember when Safeway opened. All I remember is that bananas were practically free on opening day. Don't know if that is actually accurate or not....but it seems like a semi decent memory.
All I know is that as I pass the people working on the exteriors and interiors of Taco Bell, I whisper a silent, "Thank you" under my breath for their tireless, awesome work.
(The only drag about it opening will be the traffic congestion at that intersection. I'm thinking there needs to be a stoplight there. Getting out of Safeway parking lot will be a bit of a nightmare.)
So Patrick is gone. Again. This weekend is Spirit camp on Afognak Island. He works with kids and gets them excited about archaeology and anthropology.
This morning Karen and I took the kids to the hospital picnic-we walked from our house to Baranof Park with the kids in the stroller. Picnic was a good time-Nora got time on the swings/slides at the park and the desserts were most excellent. Good time was had and Karen even admitted to enjoying herself. :)
This afternoon MJ came over for a few hours and withstood Noras intermittent crying tantrums. Nora missed a nap this afternoon and we were paying for it come 4 o'clock. As I"ve always said in the past, I'm just so glad people are still willing to be my friend even though I have kids!
Karen came over this evening and we made a lovely (might I say myself) dinner. Karen cooked some whole wheat pasta and I grilled up veggies which we put on top. So good. Then I made Rice Krispie treats for a brunch tomorrow. And did some serious taste testing on the Rice Krispie Treats. Yum, Yum, Yum. They have M & M's in them too.
FROM THE ARCHIVES: May 2007 when Stuey, Nora and myself went out East with Megan. Stuey was almost 3 months old in the photo and boy do I look tired! I'm so glad those small baby days are over with! It is hard. My heart goes out to all my friends with 3 month olds right now. It is exhausting.
1 comment:
Zoya I understand your fascination with Taco Bell. I also wanted TAco Bell when I lived in the small town of Dumas Arkansas where the nearest TB was 45 miles away. Same when I lived in Kodiak - I often wished the McD or BK would go away and be replaced by TB. My thing is the simple bean burrito. We have two new chains here now that do tacos, burritos, and salads and are a step up from the "fast food: image. They are Chipolte Grill and Moe's. They both make a decent, more healthful, burrito. Hey, where is the new TB going to be located?
By the way, lots of the new fast new restaurants around here are those combos - as you mention KFC & TB but also in the mix is Pizza Hut, Long John Silvers, and A&W the root beer place. Makes me think that one day there will only be one restaurant but it will serve EVERYTHING.
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