Lately the weather has been superb. Clear with little wind and temps in the 20s at night and 30s by day. Cold enough at night to keep our snow around and warm enough by day that we can enjoy it. Today I took Nora on a neighborhood walk with the dogs. We stopped at Jenny's and then got down to the beach in front of her house. Nora enjoyed watching the dogs fetch sticks in the water. I also taught her to throw rocks - this drove the dogs crazy because they thought we were still throwing sticks. They'd snuffle around in the place the rocks landed looking for non-existent sticks. But for a while there we just sat, side-by-side, on a rock in the sun and enjoyed the view.
Today we also have been seeing whales off of Spruce Cape. I saw one spout and then his whole back showed before he dove. I handed the binoculars to the babysitter, and, of course, the whales never showed again. Patrick
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