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Sunday, July 15, 2007

Life Ring

The house is quiet-my favorite time to reflect on the day and the days to come. Tonight Patrick and I watched in amazement as Stuart fell asleep on his own next to me in bed. He just looked around the room and before we knew it, he was asleep.
Just heavenly.

As Stuart snoozed quietly away, I had tears not only of sadness, but joy as I reflected on the almost 2 years of breastfeeding Nora. It has brought her (and I!) health, happiness, security, trust....I could go on and on.

I reminisce on moments where breastfeeding got us through-during sickness, travel, day to day life. It was my little life ring I could throw out to her in times of need. She would gladly snatch it up and gaze up at me with joy and thanks. I never imagined breastfeeding would be such a gift for US.

I always loved how when she woke up in the morning she would come running to find me, opening and closing her hands (the sign for milk) and get a huge smile on her face upon seeing me-knowing that she could have time with me as she woke up.

As I wept to Patrick tonight, he was empathetic to my tears of sadness.

"There will be more moments like this.." as I sobbed quietly...."like when she goes off to kindergarten or graduates from high school..."

The image of little Nora toddling off on her way filled my imagination. I can see my girl growing up. Its a wonderful thing, but as any parent knows, bittersweet.

Thus begins the next phase of our journey together-Nora and I. We'll find a new life ring to bring along.
