This morning John and I drove out the road to Pasagshak and went for a skate on Rose Tead Lake. I don't know why we don't do this more often. Scenic drive out the road and a fairly large lake to explore. Flat calm and sunny. The mountains shining white all around, and the hillside falling steeply right down to the lake. At the outlet to the lake we scared up 11 tundra swans and they circled over head honking. Those are big birds!
That image is obviously Photoshopped. I'll bet Patrick and John spent the afternoon at Coastal Creations shopping for doilies and baubles. Then Patrick made this photo so that he and John could maintain their 'rugged outdoorsmen' image. C'mon guys, it's OK to let down your gruff exterior.
You're wrong. We actually went out to Rose Tead and took the picture sometime back in the 1990's. Haven't done anything interesting or outdoorsy since. Good thing I took a lot of pictures back in the day! Patrick
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