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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Adventures in soccer; sportsmanship

Soccer season for the little ones began several weeks ago and I'm glad to have Stuey signed up for the  spring city run program. With all the 1:1 time I've given Nora with her PT program, I think Stuey has felt a little sad to not have any special activities for him. 

Stuey's first few soccer weeks were fraught with stubborn-ness and not wanting to shake the other teams hand at the end of games. Tonight was another game and it went much better, according to Patrick. Stuey passed the ball, kicked and the most important part-shook the other teams hand at the end. 
Here was an e-mail dialogue between myself and Stuey's coach: 

Hi Bob,

Patrick told me about Stuey's bad behavior during the last game. Patrick and I are fully aware that his behavior is not acceptable and figuring out a plan on how to address it. Let us know if you have any thoughts. We're up for anything. 

Patrick has been kicking the ball around in the evening with Stuey with the hope that Stuey will feel more comfortable passing and sharing the ball. 

This is Stuey's first time in organized sports but recognize that his behavior is not normal compared to the other boys. 

Thanks for you patience and all you do in leading the blue stingrays!

Best wishes,

Hi Zoya, no worries. 
When Stuey is actively participating he really seems to enjoy playing. Many of the kids have a difficult time sharing and  each seems to respond differently. My son also wants the ball all the time and his response when he doesn’t get it is the opposite of Stuey…too aggressive. I think this kind of team sport is great for them to work it out. Ill keep making sure everyone gets to touch the ball and push the positive reinforcement. Let me know if you think I can help with Stuey in a specific way during the games.
Thanks for the email.
I"m glad that Stuey has a coach that is so encouraging and low key. He keeps it fun for the boys and girls. Fortunately we've had sunny weather for games and practices. As of yet, no standing in the rain to watch the games. I'm sure that time will come, however.

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