For the last 10 days I have been on an archaeological survey of Karluk Lake and River. We got back last night just in time for Crab Fest in the rain. Our survey was very successful - we found over 20 new sites and mapped a couple hundred housepits (more on what we found in another post). The scenery was stunning.
Here are a couple of the scenics from our trip. Top photo is of the mountains reflecting on a flat calm Karluk Lake. What a day to survey around the lake in a boat. The cottonwood and black birch trees on Karluk Lake get to be huge. I guess that's where the prehistoric Alutiiq got the timber to build their houses up on the Lake and down the river. Second photo is of our first camp near Thumb Creek. This year we brought a huge 12 man teepee and woodstove. Third photo is of more reflections on the lake near the outlet to Karluk Lake. It had snowed the evening before and there was still new snow on the mountain tops the next morning. Fourth photo is of our second camp at the outlet to Karluk Lake. It froze hard the night before and there was early morning fog. Finally the bottom photo is of Aubrey M and a plate of Arctic Char and nettles. We ate pretty well every evening - Aubrey obviously approves. Patrick
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