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Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday Going Ons

Treating Patrick

This afternoon I worked on Patrick's back-poor guy-its been causing him to move in pain. Before he left the clinic, I had him snap some shots of me in the treatment room. It dawned on me that I hadn't taken photos of my new digs! Treating my spouse is a tricky thing because there are more feelings in the way. Me worrying about making him feel better and him worrying about whether to tell me if he is hurting. It can be a bit complex but I think we're figuring it out. He knows that its important for him to tell me if he is doing better or worse so we can adjust accordingly. I care for him so much and don't want him to limp or move in pain.

Bells Flats Retreat

Patrick and I just returned from a dinner at Gregg and Lisa's and it was pure bliss. Just the 4 of us-quiet, fun conversation and amazing food-as always. Gregg prepared a marinated, grilled pork loin, stir fry veggies and homemade chocolate sauce on ice cream for dessert.

(Getting out to Bells Flats was a feat in itself-we asked a gal on our street to babysit for the kids and it was her first time. Nora was in a horrible mood as we prepared to depart, but once the sitter arrived, Nora seemed to perk up. Stuey and her both seemed quite happy. )

Patrick and I enjoyed the drive to the flats and the evening with Gregg and Lisa. I think its been about 3.5 years since we've gone out there for dinner without the kids (before I had Nora!!). Pretty amazing. I forgot what it is like to have dinner with friends and be completely relaxed and be able to speak a whole thought without getting interrupted! Pretty phenomenal!
The day was just what I needed after a very busy week.


Me in my clinic treatment room
Lisa, Gregg and I at their house in Bells Flats.

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