Its been a while since I've posted and I have no exuse except for, well-I've been extremely busy!
In a 1 week period I attended 3 births, as well as held down the fort while Patrick was gone. Phew. So glad to have him home!! :) Fortunately, the births were relatively fast, as all 3 of them were 2nd or 3rd time moms, which generally have faster labors.
I also finished a quilt that I had been plugging away on (YEAH!!) and started another quilt. Pictures to come soon.
So last week I took Nora to our favorite PA, Greg Mete, for her kindergarten screening and shots. The screen was a cake walk and fun. Greg is so thorough AND fun. He says things to Nora like, "I"m going to listen to you stomach and I bet I can guess what you had for lunch. Let me guess...you had....FOOD!!".He got laughs out of Nora and I with that one, Once Greg left the hard part began. Ttwo nurses (A &K) each came in hiding a needle behind their backs, trying to be subtle. Nora knew what was going on and started crying. The nurses guided me to hold her knees between my knees and hold her arms against her chest (she was sitting in my lap). It was like putting her in a human straight jacket. Rough approach, but really no other way to go about it. Afterall, these nurses were serious professionals and weren't going to get flustered. I got the impression they had seen MUCH worse.
After Nora was still wiggling too much, they had to call in a "reserve" nurse- Dirk. I could tell he felt horrible about this job--helping with more restraining power to her legs, but it really had to be done. Nora SHRIEKED when they poked her in each thigh and continued to sob for several minutes after. I felt horrible. But didn't cry or anything. As we walked out of the exam room, the two nurses waved and said bye Nora and I could tell that they didn't fully expect her to wave back. But she said, "Bye" and gave a small little wave. This made me feel better, as she wasn't mad at them--she may have been mad at what had happened but didn't seem to blame them.
I made the mistake of bringing Stuey--he was sitting on the chair (very well behaved....probably for fear of having to get a shot himself!!) in the exam room. During the car ride home. Stuey started crying and asked, "Why Nora have to get shots?"
I said, "To go to kindergarten in the fall". Stuey said, "I don't want to go to kindergarten. I won't have a birthday. I won't blow out my birthday candles." He said this several times with such conviction and such a serious look on his face--I couldn't help but smile. He was really, really, really bummed about the shots. Fortunately he has some time before he'll have to get his.
Picture is from the night Patrick returned from Karluk River. Story time before he put them to bed!
1 comment:
Oh poor Nora! I still remember getting my kindergarten shots - I don't think I cried and I remember that it only felt like a pinch, but it certainly left enough of an impression that I remember!
Stuey is too funny!! He might not get over that aversion anytime soon - when we were in high school/middle school all three of us went in together to get our MMR/Hep sequence and my sister started crying when she saw me get my shots. My mom realized we should have gone in one at a time, probably my sister first!
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