This past week I had lots of home time with the kids. I"ve shifted my PT schedule to seeing clients primarily on M & W which is working well for me and the kids. We all really enjoy our home time-to cook, go to the the pool, draw, go on walks, do puzzles, see friends. So many great ways to spend the day together! Yes-there are days in the week where its tough-and they're in bad moods, and I'd rather be at work. I'll admit that. But we muster though-often with me suggesting a new activity-or getting outside. Another trick that I learned from Ella! When the going gets rough, get the kids outside for some fresh air. It seems to work wonders.
All in all, I am really enjoying how Nora and Stuey do activities together now, drawing, playing, biting & hitting, doing puzzles. They're so close in age which makes it easy. And the periods of time where they can go off and play get longer and longer. Some mornings and afternoons, they can play for close to an hour (if they're both in good moods and well rested!).
In 2 weeks, Nora and Stuey start swim lessons at the town pool, which I'm excited about. They both love going underwater with their goggles and Nora is starting to doggie paddle a little ways. My hope is that swim lessons are a fun way for them to try out new things in the water.
The pool is closed right now for repairs--sounds like they're going to address the corrosion and deck drainage issues which have plagued the pool since it opened in October. Its a bummer that our new 14 million dollar facility has problems such as this, but good to see that they're being addressed promptly. I'm glad I wrote the letter to the editor months ago--it was a perfect way to get the concerns off my chest and start the community discussion about the concerns of the facility.
Off for a good weekend ahead!
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