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Thursday, May 01, 2008

Chief Cove

Yesterday I caught a ride to Chief Cove with the USF&WS and Alaska Department of Fish & Game. I checked out archaeological sites for the Wildlife Service and helped Fish and Game with their deer mortality studies. Basically checking out how many deer died this winter out there. Walking around looking for fur piles and bones in the bushes. Then we'd do a little forensic archaeology and determine to the best of our ability the sex and age of the critter and how much fat was in the bone marrow. Pretty cool stuff actually. They compare this year's results with those of year's past to get an idea of how the deer population did this winter relative to year's past.

While out there I even found a previously unrecorded archaeological site. A 2,000 year old village. Chief Cove was a pretty nice place to live. Lots of seals. whales and cod.

Photos: Top - the team prepares to depart on the survey. Alaska Peninsula on the other side of Shelikof Strait. Reflection of a mountain in a pond. The team preparing to depart in the floatplane - Tanya, John, Brandon and Willy the pilot. Patrick

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